Mobile applications have become must for all scale businesses...

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Social Media Image Sizes - A Quick Reference Guide

If you want an effective social media presence, you’re going to want images that fit with News Feeds, timelines and streams. Trouble is, the different channels all use different sizes and shapes for their images, and to keep you on your toes, they occasionally change them too.

14 Personal Branding Tips To Help You Grow Your Influence

In the days before social media, a professional's sphere of influence was limited to the individuals they personally knew and interacted with. Now, anyone can develop a finely tuned personal brand and become a respected industry influencer, often with a large following of people they've never met.  Of course, this doesn't happen overnight; establishing credibility and growing an audience takes time and consistent effort. But if you have a unique voice and valuable contributions to make, you can join the growing ranks of thought leaders in your field.

Be an Expert: 10 Tips to Create an Awesome Personal Brand

Individuals can market themselves just the same as companies. All that is needed is a strong personal brand. In this article we’ll see the components of a personal brand, talk about personal brand building step by step, and view how one can maintain his or her positive brand.


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