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Adobe Illustrator Training


1 Month

Tuition Fee: Rs.: 


Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. The latest version, Illustrator CC, is the seventeenth generation in the product line.
Adobe Illustrator' was first developed for the Apple Macintosh in December 1986 (shipping in January 1987) as a commercialization of Adobe's in-house font development software and PostScript file format. Adobe Illustrator is the companion product of Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is primarily geared toward digital photo manipulation and photorealistic styles of computer illustration, while Illustrator provides results in the typesetting and logo graphic areas of design. Early magazine advertisements (featured in graphic design trade magazines such as Communication Arts) referred to the product as "the Adobe Illustrator". Illustrator 88, the product name for version 1.7, was released in 1988 and introduced many new tools and features. As of 2011, the Adobe Illustrator 88 file format is used in the MATLAB programming language as an option to save figures.

  • Understanding vector graphics
  • Creating documents for different contexts
  • Organizing artwork with rulers, guides, and grids
  • Making detailed selections
  • Resizing, rotating, and transforming objects
  • Creating swatches and color libraries
  • Working with fills and strokes
  • Using the Shape Builder and Image Trace features
  • Drawing and editing paths
  • Understanding the difference between point and area type
  • Adjusting the appearance of artwork with live effects
  • Printing, saving, and exporting artwork


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